Friday, June 19, 2009

My new address

I've moved to my permanent site down in Jalal-Abad so if anyone wants to send me any letters or anything else I have a new address!

The address is:

Jalal-Abad Oblast
Bazarkorgon Rayon
Berinchi May Village
720 800
Allison Brieske

Жалал-Абат Областы
Базаркоргон Раойн
Биринчи Май Аыйл
720 800
Еллисон Бриски

Things will get here much quicker if you include both the English and Cyrillic spellings.

Sorry I haven't been keeping up much with the blog, I don't get to the internet often and when I do I can never think of anything particularly interesting thats happened. Lately though I've gotten bed bugs and last night I ate half a bowl of soup before I discovered that my 13 year old host brother had put tadpoles in it. My new family is nice, if a little creative with their food so I think eventually I will try and cook for myself. The bed bugs are a pain, especially without a washing machine but hopefully soon I'll be rid of them as I've used enough Kyrgyz Raid in my room to poison something, most likely myself.
Soon I plan on writing a recap of PST to let everyone know how all that went- basically I had a great time, the other trainees in my village were awesome (and still are) my host family was fantastic and I picked up the language way easier than I expected. Things are good at my permanent site as well now but the pace is much slower, especially for a school teacher in the summer, so I am trying to keep busy. I've started an English club twice a week at my school which seems to be a success and I've read a lot of books. We'll see how the summer goes but I'm excited to get to work properly in September.

1 comment:

  1. YAY YAY!!!!! You posted!!
    and it sounds cool! apart from the tadpoles and bed bugs... oof. do you get to travel at all this summer?
    did my card get to you? the lady at the post office looked at me like I was nuts!!
