Monday, March 23, 2009

5 Days!

Alright, so my first blog post- I'm doing this to keep everyone who's interested up to date on what I'll be doing while in Kyrgyzstan for the next two years! I'm not sure how often I'll have access to the internet once I'm over there but I'm hoping to be able to update at least once a week.

For now here's my mailing address:

722140 Kant City

Lenina 97, RUPS

P.O. Box 22

Allison Brieske

and in Russian:

722140 г. Кант

ул. Ленина 97, РУПС

а/я 22

Apparently it helps things to get there a bit quicker and more reliably if you include the address in Cyrillic.

So for the moment I'm just enjoying my last five days at home and trying to get everything packed and ready to go!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget me and the cats when you're off in Kyrgyzstan...and remember keys between your knuckles and aim for the eyes. Talk to you soon! Saif says hi and he's going to kidnap Pixie now that you're out of the picture.
